Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Day 10 already, almost one third way through

I think I'm getting the hang of this Janathoning.  Last year I think I only made it to the 11th so lets see how things go this time around.  As Tuesdays are likely to be very difficult running days due to teaching and travelling commitments, I have decided to introduce my Tuesday challenge (which I also did last Friday!) which is to run a mile as fast as I can.  I was very tired and dopey this morning so didn't break any records but at least I got out an ran (after snoozing for half an hour following my alarm going off at 6.15).  It is really easy to throw on the gear and head out when you know that you'll be home in 10 mins (although I do a cool down walk after!).  So this morning I took to the pavements and as I figured out a loop which is one mile last Friday, I now have my circuit, there are some inclines which give my legs a bit of fire but I know that the run is short so it is go, go , go.  It took me just over 9 mins this morning and I'm wondering if I can get down to 7 and a half by the end of the month.  We shall see...So, my other trick to surviving Janathon is to vary my challenged, at the weekend, one of my runs needs to go longer than the previous week, I'll have my fastest mile challenge and a few other things in-between.  It is nice not to have to run this evening and I won't run in the morning as I should be home early tomorrow and can run then...I'm really hoping I'll push through to the end this time around.