Monday, 10 January 2011

Day 10- not exactly my plan

Day 10, alarm set for 6.45 as I intended to hit the road at 7 and try for 8-10k.  Instead i hit snooze and didn't wake up for more than another hour.  Opps, not my day was all messed up. I had to get to work and was meeting a friend after work and then planned in fitting in a 9pm yoga class.  I thought that I would try to meet my friend 30 mins earlier and slip in a quick run before yoga but as my day progressed I needed every minute I could get and realised that I could either run or do yoga so as it is Janathon, I opted for a run.  I needed to be home for a call at 9.30 so I got home and only had 25 mins to get out and back so I set the ipod for 20 mins, tried to up the pace and happily I managed 3k in 19 mins.  Not by any means a personal best, but I have to remember that I'm trying to regain my fitness and loose some weight before I can do proper training again. As it started raining heavily during the last 10 mins, I headed home and was just at my street when I got up to 3k so didn't do the extra min!  Opps. Tomorrow I have to be up early as I have to be at the gym at 8 for personal training and need to get my run in before this. I think I'll just try for 25 mins and a good hard gym session tomorrow.  This week is very busy so I'll be struggling to get any decent runs in.  At least I've managed to run (even if mostly very short runs) every day so far and it is all starting to feel a bit better. 

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. How are you doing? Impressed by teh commitment in your blog (though your idea of a short run and mine of a long run seem to be pretty similar...!)
