Monday, 3 January 2011

Day 3

So today is Janathan, Day 3 and I got up an hour late for my morning run.  Not such a good start and my legs felt like lead, as I was a bit late I could only run 5K and it was a struggle in any case.  I was feeling so tired that I changed my planned route so that the last bit of the run was down hill! This involved running uphill first but I really wanted to end on a downhill!  After my run I rushed to shower and change for yoga and headed off to the bikram studio.  Disaster, they had advertised the wrong times so I had to turn around and come home as the next class for not for over an hour.  Maybe I'll catch a class later on today.  At least I had my run...

1 comment:

  1. Nasty - hope you get to yoga later and have better luck (and legs) tomorrow.
